Acha Harrison
Official Ignite The Youth Statement in Celebration of Africa Day

Today we celebrate Pan-Africanism; the Renaissance, Rising and Unity of Africa! Africa is a continent on the move geometrically in terms of her rapid growth and development. With a projected average growth rate of 6% from 2013-2015 and one third of African countries with economic growth rates currently above 6%, the African Development Bank says that Africa is now the fastest growing continent in the world.

Peace prevails in most African countries. This is as a result of African brotherhood and unity ties between her nation states. This has not only led her far but has also kept her vision for prosperity burning. Perhaps, not all 'Boko Haram' territories in Nigeria have been regained, and people in the affected regions are still in desperate need of psychological recovery. Fortunately, appropriate measures are already in place to absorb these national misnomers. Also, the wound caused by Xenophobia in South Africa is healing - to all those affected, this stigma can be overcome; let's forgive, let go, and live as one Africa!

Deadly diseases of a diverse kind, which have been a major threat to our existence for several years are found no more than in history books; a story told by a mother to her child. Measures have been put in place to ensure good health in all of Africa. To God be the Glory, on the 9th of May 2015, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Liberia free of Ebola! As an African Youth Activist, I confidently assure you that Guinea and Sierra Leone will not escape this Ebola-Free wind! Of course, there persists a host of challenges; which cut across unemployment, poverty, ignorance, child abuse, gender inequality and their likes. Collectively, as young Africans, we are ever ready to proffer a lasting solution to these challenges!

Unemployment which is a major challenge plaguing most African countries, is gradually becoming a onetime challenge as there’s a paradigm shift from job seeking mentality to job creating mentality. The Government in a moment as this is according great priority to entrepreneurship and innovation. Entrepreneurial skill remains an invaluable tool in addressing unemployment dilemma of any nation.
“The main hope of any nation” said Erasmus, “lies in the proper education of its youth”. Education in Africa is experiencing a different dimension from the usual; a dimension that not only ensures proper enlightenment of her youths, but also accessibility to all. Today, education is a right of every child.

The truism about gender equality is that, every girl child should be treated without preconceived notion as the male child. Gender inequality which is a thief of girl child potentials is gradually being fired into extinction.

A key component of our celebration, today, is for every African youth to take responsibility in the vision of Rising Africa!The responsibility of this vision ensures that young people take their future, and our collective future into their hands. 

It is of no doubt, that African youths are writing a new history for Africa. With great aplomb, I am proud to say that African youths are determined to strengthen democracy, human rights, fight corruption, promote African unity and enhance good governance!

This is a clarion call to all of us, partners in development, to continue to create platforms and networks that increase continue seeking opportunities and challenging ourselves as to radically continue a united and peaceful Africa.  

God bless Africa!