#DidYouKnow? The African Youth Charter

In Article 28 of the African Youth Charter, the African Union Commission (AUC) states its duties and obligations to the Youth. Read the Article below:

Article 28: Duties of the African Union Commission

The African Union Commission shall ensure that States Parties respect the commitments made and fulfil the duties outlined in the present Charter by;

A) Collaborating with governmental, non-governmental institutions and developmental partners to identify best practices on youth policy formulation and implementation and encouraging the adaptation of principles and experiences among States Parties;

B) Inviting States Parties to include youth representatives as part of their delegations to the ordinary sessions of the African Union and other relevant meetings of the policy organs to broaden the channels of communication and enhance the discussion of youth-related issues;

C) Instituting measures to create awareness of its activities and make information on its activities more readily available and accessible to youth;

D) Facilitating exchange and co-operation between youth organizations across national borders in order to develop regional youth solidarity, political consciousness and democratic participation in collaboration with development partners.

For access to the African Youth Charter, follow the links below:
For French: http://africa-youth.org/sites/default/files/African%20Youth%20Charter%20%28French%29.pdf