The Role of "African Youth" in Finding Solutions to Climate Change

Essia Guezzi
Le KRAM, Tunisia

What is the role of the "African Youths" in finding solutions to Climate Change?

Young people and children are the future generation who will become decision makers and control the World. Which is why it is their role to find the solutions to deal with Climate Change. The current situation of the planet is a clear result of bad economic development policies adopted by policy makers around the world. We as the youth may not be responsible for what has already happened, but we have already suffered the consequences of climate change and resource scarcity! 

We the youth of Africa, we must assume our responsibility towards society, the environment and the rights of future generations. We must be the continent's defenders against false political following by governments, we must play the role of ambassadors of the environment, share the culture of sustainability and good resource management practices. The African youth must advocate for the integration of environmental education and environmental responsibility in the educational programs of our countries. As a specialist in the field of the Environmental Management and especially through my experience in volunteering, I believe that young people should play a very important role in convincing decision-makers to change policies in the fight against pollution and the disruption of climate. 

African youth activists must assume their primary and essential role with the problem of climate change because they are the ones who will suffer the consequences of the disruption of our climate! Les jeunes activistes de l'Afrique doivent assumer leur role primordial et essentiel face au problème du changement climatique parce qu'ils sont eux qui vont subir les conséquences de déreglement du climat! These days, new technologies and social networks facilitate communication and sharing of information and experience, so young people can discuss and exchange ideas and initiatives among
themselves. They have an important role to play in influencing how the problems of our world are solved. Moreover, children and young people are full of the enthusiasm, imagination and energy that is needed to champion local action, serve as effective communicators within their communities and act on the international stage. 

With many partners, the Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) is developing resources, activities and mechanisms to enhance awareness, access to information and participation of children and young people to a range of themes concerning the environment and social and sustainable development, including climate change.
Climate change can not be the battle of a single individual, one group of individuals, or else of a state, it is the battle of all of us. This implies that whatever our differences and different, we should forget about them and associate ourselves if we want the victory to be ours. Representing nearly 30% of the world population and mainly affected by environmental problems, the youth must build on their intellectual capacity and mobilization on such sensitive issues as those relating to environmental protection. Due to their status as the heirs and heiresses of the continent and the world, the African Youth must at best ensure the preservation of their ecological heritage!